Check out the benefits below and if you're interested in working with us, let us know!
I'm Interested in Coworking At BRIC
What's a BRIC Membership?
We relaunched our co-working center and we’d love to see you there! Our space provides a place to connect and get to know others working in a variety of fields and start-ups around the region. There will be “hot spot” hours of higher traffic, as well as quieter working times to fit your flexible needs. BRIC HQ has a state of the art recording and audio studio, multiple work rooms and stations, as well snacks, and dedicated desk and office space available.
→ Coffee & Bagel Wednesdays!
→ State of the Art Recording Studio Access
→ 10GB Fiber Connection
Join us for just $50 a Month – look forward to seeing you soon!
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Come Visit Us In Springfield, VT!