Safer Spaces Policy

Campus Codes of Conduct:
- Treating every person with kindness, dignity, and respect
- Being fair, considerate, and honest when interacting with all
- Rejecting violent or discriminatory behavior
BRIC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of race, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, religion, marital status, or veteran status.
Harassment includes offensive comments related to any protected personal characteristic, deliberate intimidation, aggression, bullying, stalking, following, unwanted emailing or messaging, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, sexually explicit or violent images, and unwelcome sexual attention. Individuals asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. This applies to everyone, including staff, board, and sponsors. The full legal policy can be found below.
If an individual engages in harassing behavior, BRIC Staff and/or officially designated Responsible Agents may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from campus or event.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of BRIC staff immediately. Staff will be happy to help contact local law enforcement or venue security, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe. We value your presence. đź’ś
Safer Spaces Policy
1. Purpose. The purpose of this Safer Spaces Policy ("Policy") is to ensure that the events and programs operated by Black River Innovation Campus (“BRIC”) are free of harassment and other unwelcome behavior.
2. Scope. This Policy applies to all events where BRIC has both authority and reasonable means to implement the provisions of this Policy. It further applies to all programs operated by BRIC and all spaces, whether physical or virtual, under BRIC’s control.
1. Safer Spaces Committee.
(a) Composition. The Safer Spaces Committee of BRIC shall consist of two or more individuals from the Executive Team at BRIC, and/or the main point of contact from the entity that BRIC teams up with to host space and events.
(b) Responsibility. The Safer Spaces Committee shall be responsible for investigating reports of harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, which involve BRIC members, staff, guests, or volunteers; or relate to events hosted, organized, funded, or supported by BRIC; or otherwise reasonably bear upon the activities and mission of BRIC.
(c) Authority. The Safer Spaces Committee shall have full authority to carry out any and all actions pursuant to the provisions of this Policy, and all other BRIC policies, as may be necessary to resolve matters under investigation; provided, however, that any contemplated action in relation to an Officer or Director of BRIC shall be presented to the Board of Directors for concurrence by a majority of uninvolved Directors.
2. Responsible Agents.
The following shall be deemed to be agents of BRIC for the purposes of implementing and enforcing this Policy ("Responsible Agents"):
(a) The Executive Director of BRIC (“ED”);
(b) Each Employee of BRIC;
(c) Any additional person or persons delegated by the ED to carry out actions pursuant to this Policy, provided that such delegation is made in writing.
3. Primary Point of Contact.
The Safer Spaces Committee shall serve as the primary point of contact for receiving reports that arise under this Policy, unless the Chair of said Committee designates, in writing, an alternative point of contact for a particular program or event.
1. Prohibited Behavior.
Prohibited behavior shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(a) Discriminatory Speech. Disparaging, demeaning, or offensive remarks made about or directed at any individual or group on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or any other characteristic which is legally protected in Vermont or otherwise outlined in our non-discrimination policy.
(b) Threatening Conduct. Intimidation, aggression, bullying, threats, or stalking; unwelcome following, emailing, messaging, photography, or recording; unwelcome or violent physical contact; or any other verbal, physical, written, or digital conduct intended to threaten, intimidate, pressure, or coerce.
(c) Conduct of a Sexually Violent Nature. Unwelcome sexual attention or advances; suggestive comments or gestures; requests for sexual favors; or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexually inappropriate nature. Absolutely no sexual content shall be shown to minors at our events under any circumstances.
(d) Graphic Content. The display of sexually violent content and imagery, or content that is otherwise graphic, without adequate prior notice. All event attendees must use content warnings on all applicable content under their control.
(e) Disruption. Deliberate disruption of talks, programs, or events.
(f) Other Conduct. Any other conduct that BRIC reasonably determines would interfere with its events or the safety and comfort of participants.
2. Corrective Action.
Any person who engages in prohibited behavior may be subject to corrective action, as described in this Policy.
1. Authority.
A decision to take corrective action pursuant to the provisions of this Policy shall only be made by a Responsible Agent. Under no circumstances shall any person who is not a Responsible Agent authorize such action to be taken, and any such authorization shall be null and void.
2. Cause for Action.
Corrective action may be taken in any circumstance where prohibited behavior has occurred, is occurring, or can reasonably be expected to occur.
3. No Limitation.
Any incidence of prohibited behavior may be subject to corrective action regardless of the severity of such behavior; regardless of whether such behavior is isolated or repeated; and regardless of whether such behavior constitutes an illegal act under any applicable law or regulation.
4. Witnessing Prohibited Behavior.
A Responsible Agent who personally witnesses a person engaged in prohibited behavior shall be authorized to immediately take corrective action.
5. Reports of Prohibited Behavior.
A Responsible Agent who receives a report of prohibited behavior from another person shall take reasonable steps to determine whether such behavior actually took place prior to taking any corrective action. This may include questioning witnesses, but a lack of witnesses shall not be deemed to prohibit corrective action with regard to the report.
6. Form of Action.
A Responsible Agent may take such corrective action as is reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this policy and to protect the safety and interests of members, staff, volunteers, guests, event attendees, and BRIC. Permitted action shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(a) Facilitating apologies and reconciliation;
(b) Warning the offending party;
(c) Removing the offending party from part or all of an event; and
7. Incident Reporting.
Corrective action shall be promptly reported to the Safer Spaces Committee. The report shall document the identity of the person or persons against whom action was taken, the time the action was taken, the behavior that was in violation, the approximate time of the behavior (if different than the time of action), the circumstances surrounding the incident, the identities of any other people involved in the incident, and any other information which may be necessary for investigation of the incident.
8. Refunds.
If any person is removed from an event for which an admission fee is charged as a result of corrective action taken under this Policy, BRIC shall refund such admission fee to the person in question.
1. Authority to Impose Bans.
The Safer Spaces Committee shall have the authority to ban an individual from BRIC campus, programs, and events. Such bans shall be imposed at the discretion of said Committee, and shall not be subject to appeal.
2. Reasons for Bans.
An individual may be banned for severe or repeated violation of this Policy; or on the basis of credible reports of conduct that would constitute a severe or repeated violation of this Policy, where such conduct occurred in relation to events or programs not otherwise subject to this Policy; or otherwise where necessary to protect the safety and comfort of BRIC members, staff, volunteers, event participants, and guests. The reasons for any specific ban shall only be disclosed by and at the discretion of the Safer Spaces Committee, and only to the extent necessary to implement this Policy.
3. Scope of Bans.
Any individual banned pursuant to this Policy shall not be permitted to access BRIC campus, attend BRIC events, participate in BRIC programs, receive funding from BRIC, or otherwise make use of BRIC resources.
4. Notice of Bans.
Any individual banned pursuant to this Policy shall be notified of such ban in writing, which may be delivered by electronic mail. Notices of bans pursuant to this Policy shall be issued by the Safer Spaces Committee, or by the ED at the instruction of the Safer Spaces Committee.
5. List of Banned Individuals.
The Safer Spaces Committee shall maintain a list of banned individuals. The list shall be made available to all Responsible Agents; and to partner individuals, groups, and organizations when required by the provisions of Article VI of this Policy.
6. Removal from Events.
Any Responsible Agent who witnesses a banned individual attending a BRIC event shall promptly seek the removal of such individual from the venue by contacting venue security or law enforcement. Any such action shall be reported in accordance to Article IV, Paragraph 7 of this Policy.
1. Incorporation of Flow-Down Clauses.
It shall be the policy of BRIC to apply this Policy to all programs and events organized by partner individuals, groups, and organizations (the "Partners") through the incorporation of suitable flow-down clauses referencing the key provisions of this Policy (the "Flow-Down Clauses"). The Flow-Down Clauses shall be incorporated, to the extent feasible in each circumstance, into all program and event partnership agreements between BRIC and the Partners, including, but not limited to, agreements governing grants and fiscal sponsorship.
2. Responsibility for Incorporation.
The ED shall be responsible for ensuring that the Flow-Down Clauses are incorporated into each applicable agreement executed by BRIC.
3. Required Flow-Down Clauses.
The following provisions shall constitute the Flow-Down Clauses, and shall be inserted in substantially similar form into each applicable agreement:
(a) Safer Spaces. BRIC expects events funded through the Agreement to be free of harassment and other unwelcome behavior. You will implement and enforce a safer spaces policy that prohibits such behavior.
(b) Banned Attendees. BRIC has banned certain individuals from attending events sponsored by BRIC. A list of these individuals is contained in [BRIC List of Banned Individuals]. You will not permit any individual on this list to attend events funded through the Agreement, and will promptly notify BRIC of any communication regarding these events you receive from any individual on this list.
(c) Incident Reporting. You will promptly notify BRIC of any observed or reported incident of harassment at any event funded through the Agreement, and will provide reasonable assistance to BRIC in investigating any such incident.
1. Notices at Events.
A notice regarding this Policy shall be publicly posted at any event to which it applies, provided that BRIC has both authority and reasonable means to effect such posting.
2. Sample Notice.
The following sample notice may be used as the notice regarding this policy at events:
We at BRIC invite, welcome, and celebrate all identities and expressions! We're an inclusive organization working towards realizing the values of accessibility, equity, and dignity each day so that our community can create, collaborate, and thrive together.
Campus Codes of Conduct:
Treating every person with dignity and respect;
Being fair, considerate, and honest when interacting with all; and
Rejecting violent or discriminatory behavior.
BRIC is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of race, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, age, religion, marital status, or veteran status.
Harassment includes offensive comments related to any protected personal characteristic, deliberate intimidation, aggression, bullying, stalking, following, unwanted emailing or messaging, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, sexually explicit or violent images, and unwelcome sexual attention. Individuals asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. This applies to everyone, including staff and sponsors. Our Safer Spaces Policy can be found at
If an individual engages in harassing behavior, BRIC Staff and/or officially designated Responsible Agents may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from campus or event.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of BRIC staff immediately. Staff will be happy to help contact local law enforcement or venue security, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe. We value your presence. đź’ś
BRIC Safer Spaces Committee
Caitlin Christiana: [email protected]
Chris Maggiolo: [email protected]
M.K. Harrelson: [email protected]
Springfield Police Department: (802) 885-4546 (Emergency: Dial 911)
Sexual Assault Hotlines
WISE: 886-348-9473
Women’s Freedom Center: (802) 885-2050
Emergency Medical Service
Springfield Hospital Emergency Room: (802) 885-7540
Non-Emergency Medical Service
Springfield Hospital: (802) 885-2152
3. Notice Regarding Potentially Offensive Topics.
Any person who intends to discuss or present material related to potentially sensitive or offensive topics at an event is encouraged to provide appropriate notice to attendees prior to engaging in such discussion or presentation.
Caitlin Christiana:
[email protected]
Chris Maggiolo:
[email protected]
Vin Fusca:
[email protected]